happy 🙂 happy
sad 🙁 sad
winking 😉 winking
big grin 😀 big grin
batting eyelashes ;;) batting eyelashes
big hug >:D< big hug
confused :-/ confused
love struck 😡 love struck
blushing :"> blushing
tongue 😛 tongue
kiss :-* kiss
broken heart =(( broken heart
surprise :-O surprise
angry X( angry
smug :> smug
cool B-) cool
worried :-S worried
whew! #:-S whew!
devil >:) devil
crying :(( crying
laughing :)) laughing
straight face 😐 straight face
raised eyebrows /:) raised eyebrows
rolling on the floor =)) rolling on the floor
angel O:-) angel
nerd :-B nerd
talk to the hand =; talk to the hand
call  me :-c call me
on  the phone :)] on the phone
at  wits' end ~X( at wits’ end
wave :-h wave
time  out :-t time out
day  dreaming 8-> day dreaming
sleepy I-) sleepy
rolling eyes 8-| rolling eyes
loser L-) loser
sick :-& sick
don't tell anyone :-$ don’t tell anyone
no talking [-( no talking
clown :O) clown
silly 8-} silly
party <:-P party
yawn (:| yawn
drooling =P~ drooling
thinking 😕 thinking
d'oh #-o d’oh
applause =D> applause
nail biting :-SS nail biting
hypnotized @-) hypnotized
liar :^o liar
waiting :-w waiting
sigh :-< sigh
phbbbbt >:P phbbbbt
cowboy <):) cowboy
I  don't want to see X_X I don’t want to see
hurry  up! :!! hurry up!
rock  on! \m/ rock on!
thumbs down :-q thumbs down
thumbs up :-bd thumbs up
it  wasn't me ^#(^ it wasn’t me
pirate* :ar! pirate*
1 Comentariu
  1. alin 13 ani în urmă

    chiar daca :ar! pirate* nu merge ce prost nu stie sa faca smileuri ? adik dai click pe ele apar acolo lol + ca aproape toata lumea le stie pe derost …eu nu crek apas pe vro una le scriu pe derost pe toate

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